febrero 21, 2015

Guía de cuidados

El látex es un material de origen natural, es delicado y requiere unos cuidados especiales.
Recuerda que la prenda tiene que tener su!ciente talco o lubricante base silicona antes de que intentes

Cuidados del látex:

• Evita los objetos a!lados y ten cuidado con las uñas de las manos y los pies, anillos o brazaletes.
• Evita el uso de bisutería y objetos metálicos que contengan cobre, estos pueden causar manchas que no
podrán ser eliminadas siendo más notables en colores claros y semitransparentes.
• Evita la exposición del látex a los rayos del sol, puede causar deterioro y manchas.
• No uses aceite, vaselina o hidratantes de piel antes de usar látex, esto puede dañar tu prenda.


• Las prendas tienen que ser lavadas a mano, se recomienda el uso de agua templada o fría y de un jabón
libre de hidratantes y minerales.
• Las prendas tienen que ser lavadas cuidadosamente y luego aclaradas en agua.
• Para el secado recomendamos que las prendas sean colgadas en una percha de madera y que,
posteriormente, se les de la vuelta para que se seque por dentro y por fuera.
• Cuando este completamente seco es recomendable esparcir por ambas super!cies talco o hidratarlas con
lubricante antes de guardarlas.
Recuerda que al guardar las prendas sin lavar, el sudor o residuos de maquillaje pueden dañar el látex.
Para lograr un lavado perfecto, en Coco·Late recomendamos el uso de ViviShine® en el aclarado ya que
aportará a tus prendas un cuidado especí!co y una !na capa protectora que mantendrá tus prendas como el
primer día.


• Aplica talco en la parte interior de tus prendas, dóblala y guárdala dentro de una bolsa de plástico en un
lugar fresco, seco y protegido de la luz solar directa.
• Si la prenda es de un color claro y tiene aplicaciones de metal, envuelve estos en papel de seda o !lm para
que no mantenga contacto con el material y así prevenir las manchas.
• Los colores claros y semitransparentes se puede decolorar al estar en contacto con colores más oscuros por

lo que es recomendable guardarlos por separado.

noviembre 03, 2014

Latex Care Instructions

Tips on How to Wear Latex Garments
Pulling on latex clothing – which tends to be tight and fit snugly – can easily damage it, leaving permanent finger marks, stretching, or even rips and tears, in the material. Have patience, and use baby powder generously on the inside of your garments. Another option is to use a silicone-based shining product or a NON oil-based lubricant to make putting on your clothing easier.
Instead of grabbing the latex material with your fingers, which increases the likelihood of leaving finger indentations or causing damage to your clothing, use your whole hand to pull the clothing. Use your hand to shift the latex and gradually shift until the garment is in place properly and you are comfortable. Use as much baby powder or lube as you feel you need; excess can always be wiped off as needed.
Be sure to watch your fingernails and any sharp edges on jewelry or watches, as these will catch the latex and possibly cause a tear.
To remove your clothing, follow this same ‘pull and shift’ method to remove garments with care.

Washing and Cleaning Latex Clothing

Be certain to wash your latex garments after each use. When wearing latex, sweating is common and can be increased by the constriction of this type of material and snug fit. Washing your clothing after each wear will remove the sweat and odor from the latex material and will help the costume look it’s best for years to come.
Use a small amount of soft soap in lukewarm water to rinse your garments thoroughly. Do not scrub them, as this may damage the latex, but wipe with a soft cloth inside and out and rinse completely. Do NOT wring out your clothing; it is more than sufficient to gently shake the garment to shake free excess water, pat with a towel to soak up remaining moisture, and hang to air-dry in a room temperature setting. Any remaining water streaks can be gently wiped away with a soft cloth as your clothes are drying. You may want to lightly shake some baby powder or silicone based lubricant inside your garments as they are drying to prevent sticking.

Properly Storing your Latex

It’s recommended to store your latex clothing in a cool, dark, dry space. A garment bag is preferred to protect your clothing. Use a broad plastic hanger to help your garment keep its shape; wire hangers, thin hangers, or hanging an outfit from the straps may cause the outfit to lose its shape.
DO NOT store your clothing in direct sunlight; the sun’s rays will cause the latex material to rapidly deteriorate or even turn white. Though you may use silicone products to help cover this if it should happen, the best advice is to avoid storing clothing in sunlight from the start.

Want to Shine Your Latex Clothing?

If you’ve seen latex in photoshoots or clubs, it probably appears smooth and very shiny, latex requires shining and care in order to look its best and develop a bright sheen.
You can use a silicone spray or silicone-based lubricant made for Latex to polish and build the shine of your garment. Other products, including household polishes, are not recommended for use. The more often you spend time polishing and shining the latex with a soft cloth, the shinier it can appear.
Building a shine is as simple as three steps: first, spray one side of your outfit entirely. Let the silicone spray seep into the latex material, and do not rub, pat, or wipe it. Turn your outfit over once it has dried and proceed to spray the other side. Taking care to spread the silicone spray softly into areas you may have missed, make sure you have covered all areas. Once the garment is dry, pick it up and examine it carefully to ensure you have thoroughly shined the entire garment. After this initial application, you may notice a shine beginning to build within three to four thorough applications. Once you begin to notice a shine, do not stop polishing and maintaining your clothing! Though you may wish to step back the frequency of building the shine, your outfit does require maintenance in order to build and maintain the shine you worked so hard to create.

Some Words of Caution Regarding Care of Latex

Latex is a very sensitive material, which burns easily. For this reason, you may wish to carefully avoid storing or hanging your clothing near heaters or heat sources, avoiding fire, flame, and cigarettes/cigars. Similarly, avoid storing clothing in damp spaces or in direct sunlight or fluorescent light to avoid fading and deterioration of the latex material. Fingernails, watches, and sharp edges on jewelry can catch and tear your clothing. Metals such as copper, brass, and bronze will stain your clothing if permitted to come into contact with one another. Makeup and perfume may stain or even break down the latex material and should also be avoided. Lastly, avoid oil-based products when wearing your latex clothing and opt for non-harmful water-based ones.


diciembre 30, 2013

Pasarela Fígaro 2013

Modelo: Evgenia Vaydilaeva

Model: Cristina Sendra

Modelo: Ana Ye

Modelo: Francesca Eixarch

Pasarela Fígaro 2013
CocoLate Latex para Laura Salvador by José Tellez.
Look 1: Evgenia viste Top Duchess V con manga 3/4, Arnés de cuello y cintura & Culotte Sue.
Look 2: Cristina viste Top Duchess V con manga 3/4, Body Sue & Culotte cintura baja.
Look 3: Ana Viste Top Duchess V, Culotte Chevron & Culotte cintura alta debajo.
Look 4: Francesca viste Body Mischief, Mini falda, Guantes largos con reborde perforado y medias sin talón ni puntera.
Todas estás prendas están disponibles en nuestra Tienda Online en Etsy o contactando en info@coco-late.com
Models: Evgenia Vaydilaeva, Cristina Sendra, Ana Ye, Francesca Eixarch.
Photography: David Arnal

diciembre 27, 2013

CocoLate Latex at Torture Garden

Missi Bang Bang

Srta Mery

Rocío Ciarán

Rocío Ciarán

Ultraviolet Doll

Some of the looks of Caged 2014 Collection by CocoLate Latex presented in advance at Torture Garden Madrid

MUAH: Lorena Morales
Photography: Erotik book

diciembre 24, 2013

Monjas por Laura Thomas

Modelo: Alba Hernández

Modelo: Sara Sánchez

Modelo: Vero Villares

Modelo: Alyona Svintsitska

Modelo: Alejandro Quezada

Modelo: Rocío Hidalgo

Modelo: Missi Bang Bang

Modelo: Mary Gavilán

Modelo: Maryah Marymotto

Modelo: Ayana Sato

Monjas por Laura Thomas

Todo el vestuario podéis encontrarlo a la venta online en nuestra Tienda de Etsy


Podéis encontrar estás y muchas más prendas en nuestra Tienda Online en Etsy

Fotografía: Antonio Garci
Modelo: Gizane Snake
MUAH: Natalia Serrano


octubre 23, 2013

Auxiliary Magazine August/September 2013

CocoLate Latex for Auxiliary Magazine · Spiked and studded,
chains and grommets: choose metal adorned latex to stand out at night.
Shine in The Dark editorial

Photography and editing: María S. Varela
Models: Sara Loeh, Arquitectura Efímera, Viktor de Sousa & Melon Blonde
MUAH: Luzia Bono & Sara Sánchez

Elena Furiase

Boned Minidress with cups & scales appliqué

Maïa Bodysuit with spiked cup
Elena Furiase wearing CocoLate Latex designs

Photography: Alain Perdomo
MUA: Lara Cuezva
Photography assistants: Jesús Martín & Alfie Gomez

octubre 16, 2013

CocoLate Latex featured in Youth Vision · China

Opera Fingerless Gloves

Short Cape & Fingerless Gloves With Bow

Duchess V Top & Ultra High Waist Briefs With Chevron Appliqué

Right: Opera Fingerless Gloves, Strapless Bra With Bow & Pencil Skirt by CocoLate Latex

Youth Vision · China
Bright Side of Moon · Fashion Editorial

Photography: Paco Peregrín
Styling: Mario Ville (Kattaca)
Model: Viktorija Bojarskaja @Mad Models Management
Make Up: Junior Cedeño for Dior
Hair: Elena Montanez for Sebastian
Location: Hotel Silken Puerta de América